

When working with clients, we adopt an integrative approach to meet the unique needs of each individual. This means that we seek to understand clients within their greater context in order to help gain insight into the specific issues that present in therapy. It is as much about outcomes as it is about discovery. Finding ourselves and not only solutions is the essence of Kintsugi Companions. To be stronger in the places of our brokenness is priceless.

Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma-informed care is intended to meet the challenge of helping someone safely recognise their trauma history even when they don’t believe their experience includes trauma. A trauma-informed therapeutic approach seeks an awareness of the widespread impact of trauma on life experience and relationships. It recognises trauma’s role in the emotions and behaviours of a person with a trauma history. We provide trauma-informed therapeutic services that are sensitive to the needs of people who have been traumatised. We journey with our clients so that they can participate in life, acknowledge their trauma and view themselves as more than their trauma(s). In trauma informed therapy, people identify and pursue ways of reducing distress and exercise personal autonomy and self-determination in making choices.